I made this smock last year for my daughter. The pattern comes from this great book called
One Yard Wonders that my mom bought for me. This is a great gift for any person who sews.

It looks so cute on Isabelle.

It looks even cuter when her little friend Holland is wearing the matching one I made for her!

A special little girl in my life named Madelyn turned 3 recently and her birthday party was centered around painting and coloring so I decided to make her a smock for her birthday. I looked and looked and looked for the right fabric. Smock fabric should have fun colors or something paint-related on it. I was about to give up when I found this M and M fabric at Hancocks. Hooray!

I was planning on monogramming an "M" on the smock for Madelyn but now I did not have to do that! Instead of the "M", I decided to applique a paint palette. Doesn't it look cute?
One last thing I changed is to make the smock reversible by adding a second layer of fabric (the turquoise). Having two layers of fabric also helps to make sure no paint gets through; one layer is not quite enough unless you use a thick fabric like duck cloth or household decor fabric.