Well, I have gone off the beaten path again of sewing primarily matching outfits and have made a non-clothing item. Since I nurse Grace, I use a nursing pillow and I wind up washing the cover a lot because she spits up quite a bit. I decided to make my own cover because the ones in the stores were either not very soft or too expensive. So, I found this great free
pattern online. It actually calls for using a zipper but I have not mastered zippers yet and figured that iron-on velcro would work just as well and it did!

A couple of hints about this pattern in case you wind up using it... it calls for a 1/4" seam allowance. I am not sure if it is because I have washed my nursing pillow or if it because I have used the pillow with 3 kids, but when I made the pillow cover, it was a bit big for my pillow. So, I recommend sewing it with a 1/4" seam allowance, trying it on your pillow and then you can go over it again with a larger allowance. It takes no time at all to run the straight stitch around it. I wound up using a 1/2" allowance and still think it could use a few nips and tucks here and there.
Here is a picture of the back so you can see where the velcro is.

Here is a picture of my little Grace enjoying her new cover!